Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wish List

  • Large & Extra Large Travel Crates to Transport Dogs
  • Online Database to Manage Adoption Records
  • Frontline
  • Heartguard

Urgent Care Required for New Rescues


Meet Blue, a wonderful 2 year old yellow lab mix who caught the attention of one of our volunteers when she picked up Clementine at a local shelter. She noticed how sad and forlorn he looked in his kennel and went back on Christmas Eve to pull him. Unfortunately Blue was not up-to-date on his vaccinations and developed a serious upper respiratory infection while at the shelter. Upon x-raying his lungs it was discovered he has pneumonia. Medical costs for Blue have exceeded $2000 to date. If you would like to make a contribution to Blue’s medical care here is the link for Online Donations.

Though Blue is spending his holidays in the hospital, his prognosis is good and a wonderful foster family is waiting for him to be released. To learn more about Blue please check out his profile on Petfinder: Blue’s Profile

This gorgeous boy is a pure bred male Black Labrador Retriever. His name is Duke. He is a year old and he is very friendly. He was shot in the leg. His owner took him to the emergency vet. However he could not or would not pay to have his dog repaired so he brought him to the shelter on 12/28/2009 and surrendered him. He has a temporary wrap on his leg and is on medication. The emergency vet stated that he will most likely need surgical repair or amputation. Duke's former owner stated that Duke is housetrained and good with children. Duke is a very nice and very beautiful dog.

Atlanta Lab Rescue is working with vets to determine the best corse of treatment to address Duke's injury. It is estimated that his medical care could exceed $5000.  If you would like to make a contribution to Duke's medical care here is the link to make an Online Donation.

Hershey Makes A Love Connection

Hershey is great, we've learned he is quite a chicken!! He has this big, deep, intimidating bark, but will barely go outside!

He is definately a home-body. Though he enjoys walks, he definately picks up the pace when he knows we're homebound.

Miranda's game with Hershey is to throw one tennis ball, he will go and fetch it, then she will hold up a second. Immediately, he'll drop the first and be interested in her ball. He gets LOTS of snuggling and belly-rubs each evening from Duncan. We've renamed Magnolia "Sheriff Magnolia" bc she continues to "cuss" him out if she thinks he's out of line.

Rob laughs at Hershey regularly, because he goes away for just a bit (even upstairs) and returns, Hershey will act like he's not seen him in months! It is very sweet.

The ice dispenser brings 85 pounds bolting to the kitchen, and we've used it on occasion to get him downstairs at night (he's up with the kids).

He is a wonderful dog, and we all love him more every day. It is really cool how the dynamic continues to change (and get better, as he gets acclimated). For a while, we thought he was growling at Duncan at night. We've learned he has a kind of "purr" sometimes, and means nothing ugly about it.

Anyway, thanks again for being such a great person to change lives of dogs and people! We just love our Hershey....the kids will tell the neighbor kids they can play after they scoop "Hershey bars." That gets a laugh in the cul de sac!

In gratitude,
The Lehmans

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Fosters Journal

Late into the evening of November 24th, 2009 and on the heals of Thanksgiving, Atlanta Lab Rescue received notice of a dog that had just arrived at Fulton County Animal Control. Judging by her emaciated appearance she had been on the streets for some time.

Though bags were packed and plans were made to head out of town for the holiday, everything came to a halt as Frank and Becky worked to find  Vet and Foster placement for Crystal/Chloe. As fate would have it, a brand new volunteer named Jayme had just signed up with ALR.  Jayme took Crystal/Chloe into her home and inevitably, as often is the case, into her heart. Here are Jayme's journal entries made during her initial days of fostering…

Saturday, December 5
"Becky calls to confirm that Jen is on her way to inspect my house. Thank goodness I passed. Jen gives me Mary Beth’s number. I phone Mary Beth and we decide to meet at Red Lobster off Holcomb Bridge . Mom, my second time at a Red Lobster!

Woody and I head off to meet Princess Chloe/Daisy/Gracie. She’s absolutely gorgeous, very sweet and I get loads of kisses straight away. She enters the Woodmobile and he’s very excited to see her. Starts the process of getting to know her if you know what I mean. She’s very quiet, but paying heaps of attention to everything going on around her. Mary Beth said that she likes her crate; however I’m not a crate mum, so I have it for her should she want it, but it may retire to the garage until we need it in the future. She is going into every room of the house checking it out. Seems to be very curious. Then we go outside, try out the doggie door, but not certain that she’s too keen on it just yet. Mary Beth said she doesn’t like to go outside by herself. Therefore, I go with her each time.

Of course I feed her because she truly looks like she needs FOOD! She gobbles it down in less than a minute. I knew Clay would be happy about this because he states that my dogs are weird, they’re picky eaters and just eat a little at a time, never in a hurry. Probably not going to work now with Chloe and Woody. Jen and Mary Beth warn me that she has food aggressions, never quiet understood what that meant until I saw it in action. Dear Diary….must feed them separately. They definitely got in a scrap, but fortunately no wounds or harm done except to my heart.

Later when I’m ready to feed Woody, Chloe gets another meal. This time with her tablet. Again in less than a minute she’s finished! Becky, should I still be giving her these tablets? Mary Beth said she had been taking them for a week already.

Then it’s time for bed, so we all go upstairs and I bring Chloe’s bed and blanket up with me. She’s going to sleep just beside me on her doggie bed with covers. She eventually stretches out and becomes very cozy.

A couple times during the night (2:30 a.m. and 3:40 a.m.) she has an accident, so we go outside afterwards. I’m so not use to female pups they can do their business and you don’t even know it until it’s too late. Looks like they’re sitting at perfect attention.

Sunday, December 6

We awake to little sounds of the pups, go downstairs for coffee and treats. Chloe and Wood sit very nicely for some knawsomes and puporonis. Then it’s breakfast time…..and once again she inhales her food in record time. We practice with the doggie door, going outside and in…….we’ve got a big day planned. First we’re off to the dog park. Woody is over the moon as soon as we turn in to the park. Chloe is not really sure where we’re going. As we’re walking through the woods she’s so close to me I’m afraid I’m going to step on her tiny paws. Once we get to the gate to go in she’s still very close. Everyone came up to introduce themselves dogs and humans alike. She was a star but very shy, a couple of times she did wander off about 5 feet but only a couple of times. We were at the park for about two hours….then headed over to see Santa at the Forum…..the line was very long to have pictures made….so we’re probably going to go back during the week. Every chance she got to ride in the car she and Woody were in it. We rode with the windows down so they could have their faces blow in the wind…..then I noticed she was sound asleep in the back so it was time to go home. I’ve enjoyed our time together on the sofa with her in my lap….but she seems to be very keen on one of my chairs with the Grinch in the background.

Clay gave me some websites on how to look after malnourished puppies. So we’re making sure she has eggs, cheese and meat in each meal. I’m going to keep a journal of her food intake and in hopes that she’s be doing much better by Christmas. Forgot to take a picture of her stocking, but will keep them coming.

Monday, December 7

5:00 a.m. Rise and shine, it’s time for a walk. Get both pups ready for a walk and both seem very excited. Chloe seems to be a bit confused about the leash, but by the time we’ve gone one mile she’s almost a pro. She and Woody ran side by side and smelled all the smells, marked territory together and by the time we got back they crashed on the floor. Had to get ready for work and fed them before I left and left treats and bones for them. Hopefully they’re having a wonderful day, and I can’t wait to get home and check on them."

Chloes Happy Ending
Jayme decided to adopt Chloe and gave her a forever home for Christmas.

Though Chloes story has a happy ending not all do. Atlanta Lab Rescue receives emails everyday for dogs
that have suffered much like Chloe. On average we receive over 20 requests a week asking for our help. Some are from owners facing difficult times and others from over crowded shelters across Georgia and bordering states. Sadly we can't help them all, though we truly want to. Often we are limited by availability of foster homes. If you would like information about becoming a foster or other volunteer opportunities, please contact us at

Corporate Giving Benefits Atlanta Lab Rescue in 2009

Jabian Consulting of Atlanta, selected Atlanta Lab Rescue to receive a monetary award of $600 through its “Jabian Cares” program.  Employee Nancy Riggle, an Atlanta Lab Rescue volunteer extraordinaire, submitted information about the services Atlanta Lab Rescue provides to her company.

A ‘dress down’ day fundraiser from the employees of Federal Home Loan Bank-Atlanta raised approximately $700 dollars for Atlanta Lab Rescue.  Bank employees had an opportunity to buy a "sticker"  which allowed them to wear casual clothes to work on a pre-determined day.   The stickers cost $3 each, but participants were encouraged to donate more as all proceeds were going to Atlanta Lab Rescue.


As part of a promotion for this event, the talented in-house design team created a colorful and fun poster.   Nathan Ballard, an employee of Federal Home Loan Bank-Atlanta and ardent Atlanta Lab Rescue supporter, worked with co-workers to nominate ALR as the beneficiary of the fundraiser. The volunteers at Atlanta Lab Rescue and all the four legged recipients want to thank all our supporters at both Federal Home Loan Bank-Atlanta and Jabian Consulting.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Second Leash on Life

Unlike cats, dogs don’t typically have more than one life. Luck and the right circumstances, however, can make the difference between losing an animal and finding him a foster home on the way to his forever family. Fate may be fickle, but for Derby fate found him the right people at the right time.

Derby’s story began, when he was found, late one night, lying unconscious in a ditch, perhaps hit by a car, dehydrated and barely breathing. He was taken immediately to the Georgia Veterinary Specialists in Dunwoody, GA. While at GVS, Derby was given tests and medications until his condition stabilized.

After his night at the hospital recovering, Derby was subsequently pronounced to be in good health overall - despite the welts and fire ant bites he sustained while lying on or near a mound, unable to move. Unfortunately, he wasn’t wearing tags nor was he micro chipped and no one came to claim him so animal control was contacted. He left for Fulton County Animal Control with his favorite stuffed animal in his mouth. But he wasn’t in ‘doggy jail’ for long. After the ‘stray hold’ expired, Atlanta Lab Rescue sprung the big, good natured, yellow lab and found him a foster home. That, however, was a short-lived stay. While the foster family walked Derby one hot August day, he simply collapsed at their feet.

Rushing him to the Animal Emergency Center of Sandy Springs, with a temperature of 107°, Dr. Dempsey gave Derby oxygen in an attempt to revive him. Unresponsive for more than 4 hours and found to have laryngeal paralysis the vet’s recommendation, to Atlanta Lab Rescue volunteer Karen O’Brien, was given his age of 10 years old, to “let him go.”

As the vet left to make the preparations Karen went to check on Derby to “hold his paw.” What a surprise when the vet returned to find Derby awake wagging his tail and acting as lively as though nothing happened. Clearly, time wasn’t up for Derby. Remaining at the vet overnight, for observation, the phone call from the vet first thing in the morning was to come and pick-up Derby as he was barking loudly and raising a ruckus at the clinic.

Now, Derby is in a loving foster home waiting for his forever family to give him his second leash in life.

Maybe this is the dog for you and your family to love. If you think Derby could be a fit for your family, check out: Derby on ALR's webiste

Top 10 Reasons to Adopt an Older Dog

"Why on earth would anyone want to adopt an adult rescue or shelter dog? After all, aren't they like used cars? Who wants someone else's problems? If the dog is so wonderful, why would anyone give him away? If he was a stray, why didn't someone try to find him? I'd rather buy a puppy so I know what I'm getting, and besides they're so cute!"

Rescue groups often hear a variation of this conversation. Many prospective adopters are just not convinced that bringing an older (i.e, 4 yrs +) dog into the family is better than getting a puppy. But there are a number of reasons why adopting an older pet from a rescue that carefully screens and evaluates its dogs can provide an even better alternative.

1. Housetrained
Older dogs are housetrained. You won't have to go through the difficult stage(s) of teaching a puppy house manners and mopping/cleaning up after accidents.

2. Won't chew inappropriate items
Older dogs are not teething puppies, and won't chew your shoes and furniture while growing up.

3. Focus to learn
Older dogs can focus well because they've mellowed. Therefore, they learn quickly.

4. Know what "no" means
Older dogs have learned what "no" means. If they hadn't learned it, they wouldn't have gotten to be "older" dogs.

5. Settle in with the "pack"

Older dogs settle in easily, because they've learned what it takes to get along with others and become part of a pack.

6. Good at giving love
Older dogs are good at giving love, once they get into their new, loving home. They are grateful for the second chance they've been given.

What You See Is What You Get: Unlike puppies, older dogs have grown into their shape and personality. Puppies can grow up to be quite different from what they seemed at first.

8. Instant companions
Older dogs are instant companions -- ready for hiking, car trips, and other things you like to do.

9. Time for yourself
Older dogs leave you time for yourself, because they don't make the kinds of demands on your time and attention that puppies and young dogs do.

10. Save a Life, Be a Hero
At shelters, older dogs are often the last to be adopted and the first to be euthanized. Saving an animal’s life offers an unparalleled emotional return on your investment, and you’ll feel the rewards every day you spend together.

*Adapted from Labrador Retriever Rescue's "Top Ten Reasons to Adopt a Rescue"

The Real Labs of Atlanta

"Two thousand ten (2010) is oh so near –
And you’ll want to remember dates that are dear.

A calendar! A calendar is what you’ll need
And the money will go for dogs to feed;

You’ll help the labs and placate the vets
Find forever homes with no regrets.
Photo’d labs throughout the town
Will make you smile – not bring you down.

Adopt a lab that fancies your heart. You’ll have a photo – and that’s a grand start. A gift for you or family or a friend. For $15 what a treasure to send!

Quantities are limited so don’t wait in vane. You can pick up your order on Woodmont Lane

If you’d rather wait for adoption day
On December 13th, we’ll bring them your way.
Postage and handling is a wee bit more
When you order on-line, ‘cause they’re not in a store!"
* * *
A fun gift for any age, featuring fantastic photos of ALR dogs taken at various landmarks around Atlanta. The calendar also includes a biography of each rescued dog.  It makes a great gift for loved ones, coworkers, and friends to display at home and at work.

Order Online Now
Free Gift Wrapping Available by Request for Online Orders.

Calendars will also be available for pick up at the ALR office and various locations around Atlanta. Please call ahead for pick-up. To find a location nearest  you -->Click Here

Local Businesses Support Atlanta Lab Rescue

The Real Lab of Atlanta calendars can be purchased at the following locations. Please check back with us as new locations will be added soon.

C3 Marketing - Midtown
1422 Woodmont Lane, Unit 2
Atlanta, GA 30318
M-F  10am-6pm

1456 Northside Drive
Atlanta, GA 303018

2909 Peachtree Road
Atlanta, GA 30305

Dog Days Atlanta
3225 Cains Hill Road
Atlanta, GA 30305

Dog Days Atlanta
3571 Broad Street
Chamblee, GA 30341
Dekalb Animal Hospital
4070 Lawrenceville Hwy
Tucker, GA 30084

Pets Playhouse on Ponce
2959 E. Ponce De Leon
Decatur, GA 30030

Johns Creek - Suwanee
That Dirty Dog
2615 Peachtree Pkwy #220
Suwanee, GA 30024
770- 886-8787

Camp Woof
4950 Buford Hwy
Norcross, GA  30071

Choi Kwang Do Martial Arts
Suite 450
4561 Woodstock Road
Roswell, GA 30075

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Rescued Dog

by Arlene Pace

Once I was a lonely dog, just looking for a home.
I had no place to go, no one to call my own.
I wandered up and down the streets, in rain, in heat and snow.
I ate whatever I could find, I was always on the go.
My skin would itch, my feet were sore, my body ached with pain.
And no one stopped to give a pat or to gently say my name.
I never saw a loving glance, I was always on the run,
for people thought that hurting me was really lots of fun.

And then one day I heard a voice so gentle, kind and sweet,
And arms so soft reached down to me and took me off my feet.

"No one again will hurt you was whispered in my ear."
"You'll have a home to call your own where you will know no fear"
"You will be dry, you will be warm, you'll have enough to eat."
"And rest assured that when you sleep, your dreams will all be sweet."

I was afraid I must admit, I've lived so long in fear.
I can't remember when I let a human come so near.
And as she tended to my wounds and bathed and brushed my fur,
she told me about the rescue group and what it meant to her.
She said, "We are a circle, a line that never ends".
"And in the center there is you protected by new friends".

"And all around you are the ones that check the pounds,
And those that share their home after you've been found"
"And all the other folk are searching near and far.
"To find the perfect home for you, where you can be a star".
She said, "There is a family, that's waiting patiently,
and pretty soon we'll find them, just you wait and see".
"And then they'll join our circle they'll help to make it grow,
so there'll be more room for more like you who have no place to go".

I waited very patiently, the day they came and went, today's the day I thought, my Family will be sent.
Then just when I began to think it wasn't meant to be,
there were people standing there just gazing down at me.
I knew them in a heartbeat, I could tell they felt it too.
They said, "We have been waiting for a special Dog like you.

Now every night I say a prayer to all the Gods that be.
"Thank you for the life I live and all you've given me,
but most of all protect the Dogs in the pound and on the street,
and send a Rescue Person to lift them off their feet".

Arlene Pace September 18, 1998

Low Cost Vetting Resources

Atlanta Animal Alliance - Chamblee, GA
Contact Info: Atlanta Animal Alliance -5342 Peachtree Rd, Chamblee, GA 30341- (770) 455-1011
The Atlanta Animal Alliance is a Georgia nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization. It was formed to alleviate animal pain, suffering and pre-mature death. The Atlanta Animal Alliance serves to relieve animal pain and suffering by operating low-cost medical services thru it's PetWell Humane program targeting indigent animals and low-income owners.

The mission of WellPet Humane is to offer low-cost medical services to stray or abandoned pets or to those pets whose owners are experiencing financial difficulty. The staff sets appointments based on financial capacity.
Atlanta LifeLine Project - Decatur, GA  
Contact Info: Atlanta LifeLine -129 Lake St, Avondale Estates, GA 30002 - (404) 292-8800
LifeLine Animal Project is a non-profit organization working to reduce pet overpopulation. By only offering spay/neuter services at our clinic, they keep overhead costs low in order to keep prices affordable.

LifeLine's Spay & Neuter Clinic provides low-cost, spay/neuter services for metro Atlanta since 2005. Performing more than 25,000 spay and neuter procedures, the LifeLine Spay & Neuter Clinic is vital to reducing the number of unwanted pets entering Atlanta area shelters.
Fulton Spay/Neuter Assistance Program - Atlanta, GA
Contact Info: FCAS - 860 Marietta Blvd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30318 - (404) 794-0358 
Fulton County Animal Services (managed by Barking Hound Village Foundation, Inc.) It is committed to decreasing the number of unwanted pets in Fulton County . Low cost spay/neuter is available as well as vaccinations. If you cannot afford to contribute a portion of the cost of those services, and need free services, they will assist you anyway.

To obtain services an online application can be located and submitted here. They will also process applications  quickly over the phone at (404) 794-0358. (Applicant must be a resident of Fulton County).
Crossroads Veterinary Services - Lexinton, GA
Contact Info: Crossroads Veterinary Services - 210 W. Main St., Lexington, GA, 30648 - (706) 743-7614
Crossroads Veterinary Services, LLC, established in 2008, is a mixed animal practice located in Lexington, GA.  The practice is owned and led by Nicole Ferguson, DVM, MS. Dr. Ferguson is intent on providing valuable veterinary services to the community and educating clients as well as diagnosing and treating their animals. Her goal is to promote preventive medicine in all species and provide early detection and treatment of disease.

Crossroads Veterinary Services offers low cost vaccination and spay/neuter programs to reduce pet overpopulation every Wednesday from 8 am until 5 pm. They are located approximately 14 miles past the east Athens Wal-Mart in downtown.
Peach Pets Animal Hospital - Johns Creek, GA 
Contact Info: Peach Pets - 6955 McGinnis Ferry Rd, Johns Creek , GA 30097, (770)814-9000

Peach Pets Animal Hospital is a high quality, affordable place to bring your pet for annual visits, surgery, medical conditions, and preventative care. We have seen a need in the community for a low cost alternative in veterinary medicine. The hard economic times have made it difficult for many pet owners to provide the care needed for their pets. We believe that no pet should have to suffer or be denied medical care due to an owner's financial status. We receive no funding from the government or grants from individuals, as such everyone qualifies for our prices.

Other Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinics 

Friday, September 11, 2009

Trooper's Story

No, it wasn’t a dog’s life! Not for the 115 lb. chocolate lab pinned under the rear tire of a SUV in his owner's yard. Just days before Memorial Day, the dog was hit by a car. There he was with a fractured left forepaw when Connie Rice, an Atlanta Lab Rescue volunteer, stopped her car and tried to help hoist the vehicle off the dog. Even through all the pain, the dog never whined, whimpered, moaned or growled. His disposition remained calm throughout the ordeal. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to lift the car, Connie stood at the roadside waving down passing cars in an attempt to solicit more help. Finally, enough good samaritans stopped to help lift the vehicle while Connie pulled the dog from underneath.

As Connie rushed the dog to Cedarcrest Animal Hospital, she contacted several board members who had faced these traumas before. When Atlanta Lab Rescue learned that Paulding County’s animal control division was contacted, everyone acted quickly to retrieve the dog, now aptly renamed “Trooper” to prevent him from being euthanized. Connie returned to the owner who subsequently relinquished ownership and (surrendered) released the dog to Atlanta Lab Rescue.

After the initial vet care Trooper returned home with Connie who tried to keep the dog comfortable with limited I.V. medication. As luck would have it, a remarkable vet volunteered to perform the critical surgery, hoping to save the leg, on Memorial Day.

During this, the first of many surgeries, Trooper received a steel plate and several screws to set the leg. He was also neutered to eliminate the need for a second anesthesia for the procedure. At the same time, due to neglect, he was found to be heartworm positive. Unfortunately, five days after the surgery, the leg became infected and had to be cleaned up and re-sutured.

Meanwhile, Atlanta Lab Rescue concentrated on raising funds that would finance the surgeries to save the leg. While over a thousand dollars has been raised through the Labrador Retreiver Chat Board, ALR will continue to need financial support for Trooper’s eventual rehabilitation.

Three weeks later, a second infection ensued, and the steel plate and screws were removed and a cast was set. In an effort to keep Trooper quiet valium became a part of his daily routine.

By mid-July, although not out of the woods, Trooper improved with the addition of medicine and food supplements to help strengthen the bone. Now it was time for a hard cast – and a foster family.

As it turned out, there was such a family with three girls who fell in love with Trooper, instantly.

So during his convalescence Trooper, now weighing in at only 98.9 lbs., and after $5,000.00 in veterinary care, is being cared for and loved by the Moorse family who is ensuring that Trooper has every luxury and will no longer suffer the abuse, neglect and abandonment from which he came.

Trooper will require therapy, rehabilitation and possible surgeries at an additional estimated cost of $2,000.00. Contributions of any amount will help stabilize Trooper. It takes so little, but accomplishes so much.

If you would like to contribute to Trooper’s future, please click on the following link:
DONATE ONLINE or make a doanation through the ChipIn application at the top of the blog.

If you prefer to mail a check, please send it to:

Atlanta Lab Rescue
PO Box 250206
Atlanta, GA 30325

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thank You Camp Woof

Service organizations can’t and don’t operate in a vacuum. Most, if not all, incorporate the generosity and contributions from many community members. Atlanta Lab Rescue is no exception. Through the on-going support of “Camp Woof” in Norcross, we are able to rescue wonderful dogs from a less than pleasant ending.

While Atlanta Lab Rescue continues its on-going search for foster and forever families, Camp Woof is the weigh-station for many of the dogs. Hans VollmerGeneral Manager says the dogs become part of the family and are able to develop some of the social skills that may have been lacking in their previous situations.
Even though they love having the dogs, says Hans, he’s always happy to see them get adopted into good homes.

"It’s nice to see a rescue dog come in and we are able to provide care for them, but when they leave us, they become different dogs and we feel liked we’ve
played a part in helping them get adopted.”

Opened for business for only 6 months, in Norcross, Camp Woof provides twelve spots for daycare and boarding of rescue animals. With 20,000 sq. ft. of air conditioned space and 15,000 sq. ft. of outdoor space, the animals have plenty of room to play and romp about freely. There’s even an outdoor “kiddy” pool in which both large and small dogs can be found splashing around.

Cots are available for nap time and rest periods. The dogs are safe and well cared for. Vollmer says that it’s important for Camp Woof to give back to the community of which they are a part. We, at Atlanta Lab Rescue, are grateful for their support.

As part of our special relationship with Camp Woof, Atlanta Lab Rescue adoptive families get discounts from Camp Woof as well as a first night of boarding free. Becky Cross, co-founder of Atlanta Lab Rescue expressed her gratitude to Camp Woof and its staff,

“We are so lucky to get free boarding at Camp Woof. It’s the nicest facility that I’ve ever been to. I have never boarded my dogs but would have no problem with sending them there. It’s immaculate and the staff is knowledgeable and helpful. The dogs seem to really like it there and they get plenty of play time.
There is also a retail section that is a doggy dreamland. They have EVERYTHING. It’s worth the trip out to Norcross to check it out and they give discounts to ALR adopters and volunteers.”

If you’d like to foster or are considering adopting a great dog for your family, check out Atlanta Lab Rescue:
So thank you Hans Vollmer and Camp Woof for all you do and share! For more information about Camp Woof in Norcross or Camp Woof in Decatur, follow the link,

Love Connections & Success Stories

Life's A Beach!

Hi guys - just wanted to give you a quick update on "Courtney" - now Carly (we adopted her in late May). She is the BEST!!!! Not only is she beautiful, but she has fit in perfectly. She's still a little wary of one cat, but loves her new sister the black lab, and the orange cat. She is everything you billed her to be. She is well mannered, house broken, sits, shakes and grins at you when you come home (she curls her teeth back from her lips in a smile-hilarious). She sleeps most nights on one of my sons' beds. We took her and her sister to the beach in July - man that dog can hunt down a seagull! And she swims, fetches, she's perfect. I've told many friends about your organization and what a great experience we've had.Thanks so much for bringing Carly in our lives! Holly

Camp Woof Offers ALR Families A Customer Loyalty Program

Camp Woof of Norcross customer loyalty program and benefits for Atlanta Lab Rescue families:

            • Spend $75 in our Pet Food Supercenter and get 1/2 day of daycare free (six hours or less)

            • Spend $100 in our Pet Food Supercenter and get 1 day of daycare free

            • Buy a 15 day daycare package and receive 1 free day of daycare

            • Buy a 30 day daycare package and receive 2 free days of daycare

            • Board your dog(s) for 8 nights in a 3 month period and get 2 free days of daycare for each dog, nights do not have to be consecutive

            • Get your dog groomed 4 times and the 5th groom will be 50% off

            • Get your dog bathed 4 times and the 5th bath will be free, does not include nails and trimming

            • Refer someone to us and get 1 free day of daycare or 1 free night of boardingAll of us at Camp Woof appreciate your business and patronage.

            Please remember we are locally owned and operated.

            Wednesday, July 29, 2009

            Many Show Support at Bark for Art

            On Saturday, May 16th Atlanta Lab Rescue hosted its Annual “Bark for Art” Silent Auction and fundraiser. More than 400 Atlanta Lab Rescue supporters helped reduce the current deficit. The event raised about $27,000 with attendees bidding on more than 200 auction items ranging from a weeks stay at a beach home to Braves Tickets with so many other wonderful treasures in the mix.

            Atlanta Lab Rescue Co-Founder Becky Cross said,

            “This was an exceptional event! Our organization truly has many caring friends and special adopters. And we couldn’t have done it without the largesse of those who helped with services and other resources. I’d like to extend a special thanks to our caterer, Endive; and the extraordinary gallery, Mason Murer who made the location vibrant and colorful. No event would be complete without the appropriate wine; donated so generously by Intermezzo CafĂ©.”
            Over the past two years, Atlanta Lab Rescue has saved more than 600 labs and mixed breed dogs. However, in order for them to continue their rescue efforts, and "draw down their debt," several fundraisers are in the works.. Currently, a motorcycle ride is scheduled for the fall. For updates on volunteer and other support opportunities, rescues, fundraisers and adoptees, check out the website:

            Wednesday, July 15, 2009

            It Takes a Village

            "Ora na azu nwa" is an old Nigerian saying that means it takes the community/village to raise a child. While raising a single child presents certain challenges, raising nine children is a whole different game – especially when the children have a total of thirty-six legs, nine tails, need constant attention and bark and wimper throughout the night. Such was the case for the nine puppies, affectionately known as the Cedarcrest 9, who were adopted by the young villagers (ages 5-11) of the Cascade sub-division in Suwannee,Georgia.

            Taken into the care of Cascade residents after the mother needed surgery, the pups were initially treated, given their puppy shots and microchipped at the Cedarcrest Animal Hospital in Acworth. The young charges then took the puppies home where they fed, watched, played with and cleaned up after the mixed breed puppies until they were all adopted into their forever homes. The last one, Stitch, found his permanent family May 30, 2009.

            Wednesday, July 1, 2009

            A Puppy's Story

            I was born approximately April 3, 2009. My mother was a full-blooded yellow lab and my dad was a mixed ‘lab-looking’ dog. When my 8 brothers and sisters were just 3 weeks old, my mother was taken in for surgery as a result of such a big litter. The nine of us, though, were taken to Cedarcrest Animal Hospital in Acworth where we were bottle fed and weaned. Now living in a subdivision known as Grand Cascades, our foster homes have provided us with food, shelter and family fun.

            And boy! Do we eat! Currently, we’ve been fed Exclusive Puppy food by PMI Nutrition. It’s the Chicken and Rice formula which can be found in many specialty stores around the metro area and on-line at

            So my brothers, sisters and I are as healthy as puppies can be. We’ve been ‘dewormed’ twice, ‘microchipped’ (it only pinched for a second, and I was brave) and received our first series of puppy shots. All of this done through the generosity of our fairy Dog Mothers and Fathers at Atlanta Lab Rescue. Not to speed up the process, but spaying and neutering is usually done around the six month mark (that’s around October 2009). Since we’re still puppies, it’s important to stay in familiar surroundings, as we’re very susceptible to parvovirus which is transmitted from infected dogs through fecal material. Sometimes public places don’t always agree with us little guys.

            Our foster families provided an abundance of resources to ensure our transition to ‘forever’ homes. Some advice I overheard while playing, is that puppies need to walk every day. It’s not enough to romp in the backyard, we want to exercise and get socialized so that we’re comfortable and calm with other people, pets and environments. It’s a great time to be with our families. When I walk, I get too tired to be destructive around the home. And, I’m much easier to train.

            Which brings me to a very important part of puppyhood. Learning where and when to go. I’ll learn much more quickly if I’m taken outside frequently to ‘relieve’ myself. Just let me know where my grassy area is and take me there often – especially when I’m awake. A treat, reward or special playtime (and of course constant repetition) will help me learn the “do’s” and “don’ts” of a puppy’s life.

            My brothers, sisters and I can bring our new families a great deal of joy and satisfaction. And now that some of us are transitioning into our ‘forever’ homes, you’ll be hearing and probably seeing lots of us as we grow into lively and spirited pets. Our foster families want to continue to know of our progress so we’ll see each other at dog parks, picnics and an already planned reunion.

            And you can join in the fun.

            © 2009 Atlanta Lab Rescue